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Apple’s iOS 10 update is its biggest yet and it’s rolling out tonight; here’s why you should be excited

apple-ios-10-tech2-720-624x351-1Apple’s iOS 10 update is coming tonight. If you aren’t already excited for it, it’s time you were.

Why? 3D Touch is finally useful and Messages is completely transformed! If that’s not enough, you get a bunch of new widgets, enhanced Siri functionality, a redesigned Music app and, my favourite feature, raise-to-wake!

Admittedly, a great many of these features have already been part of the Android experience. But hey, better late than never, right?

Messages, welcome to 2016


Apple’s Messages app has always been a perfectly functional, yet innocuous app that does little more than send and receive messages, either as a regular SMS or as an iMessage.

Come iOS 10, that’s all set to more…

Steps to develop Ideal Mobile Application for your Customer

In case you’re working in the mobile application advancement world, you in all likelihood have a fantasy to make the ideal mobile app that will dispatch on time, under spending plan, circulate around the web, and make your group a huge amount of cash.

Steps to develop Ideal Mobile Application for your Customer

So mentioned below is the list of things to get for mobile app achievement:


Construct A Dream Team:

You need your group to have the right mix of business adroit, promoting skill, solid administration, unlimited innovativeness, and young vitality. Blend in a couple experienced masters (no less than 30 years of age) who have “been there, done that” and know how to lead a group. (more…)