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Are AI Chatbots Really Winning the Mobile Game?

For the last two decades, mobile apps have changed the way businesses worked by making brands ubiquitous for the constantly connected consumers looking to perform specific tasks. Since the introduction of chatbots, however, some customer service companies, e-retailers and others are abandoning native and hybrid mobile apps and embracing smart AI programs. So, to find out if AI chatbots really taking over the mobile game, let us take a look.

What is a chatbot?

A modern chatbot is an artificial intelligence application that runs inside a messenger, for instance, Facebook messenger and replies users’ questions in a way a customer support person would. A bot, usually, gets smarter over time as its natural language processing (NLP) capabilities are facilitated by machine learning algorithms.

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Are bots the new apps?

In certain parts of the globe bots are taking over apps. For example, if you are planning to start a business in China then you must create WeChat prior to building a website as there are plenty of businesses operating with this strategy and generating millions of dollars revenue. In USA and Western Europe, bot versus app battle broke out with Facebook Messenger (1 billion users), Kik (300 million users) and Telegram (100 million users) unveiling their chatbot development platforms.

Why brands are still investing in mobile app development?

Although, with chatbots brands can increase user engagement still some are skeptical about investing on bots only because they have realized that they need a human assistant in case something goes wrong. Microsoft’s Tay went from a human-loving bot to a racist bot within 24 hours of its release. Moreover, industry experts believe that mobile apps and AI bots will co-exist and both of them would continue to improve.


As there is still room for improvement for bots as well as AI bots you can partner with an outsourcing mobile app development agency (in order to bring out cost and obtain professional expertise). Collaborate with them and discuss your business requirements and come out with an AI bot integrated mobile app. What is your say on AI bots? We would love to know your views.

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Steps to develop Ideal Mobile Application for your Customer

In case you’re working in the mobile application advancement world, you in all likelihood have a fantasy to make the ideal mobile app that will dispatch on time, under spending plan, circulate around the web, and make your group a huge amount of cash.

Steps to develop Ideal Mobile Application for your Customer

So mentioned below is the list of things to get for mobile app achievement:


Construct A Dream Team:

You need your group to have the right mix of business adroit, promoting skill, solid administration, unlimited innovativeness, and young vitality. Blend in a couple experienced masters (no less than 30 years of age) who have “been there, done that” and know how to lead a group. (more…)